New user. Using uart to control btt octopus pro 1.0.1 via uart

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Stock Dload image but upgraded to latest unfortunately i lost the screen with updates.

Please describe your issue below:

Unable to conect vim3 to octopus pro 1.0.1 via uart?

No console logs as of yet…

Does anyone have any ideas how i get usart rx tx working to control my 3d printer control board via uart, using ubuntu i need bith the usb pirts available and hopefully the usbc port also for,storage,etc also so i can power viat the break out header if possible to limit the power inputs to my 3d printer not practical to have both a power lead and usb lead dangling from control box for a xlean build

Hello @Mike_Stanford

Please check this doc about the UART usage.

Hey there thanks for rhe response, how did i miss this, I’d thought id scoured the docs obviously missed it. Ill come back and let you know if i can get this to work, i dont want to buy a rpi when i have 3 of these vim3s available as spare and perfect for this job

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