New Raspberry Pi HQ Camera


Do you think it’s possible to use the new Raspberry Pi HQ Camera on the VIM3L ? :thinking:


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No, the connector on the VIM3 is different, it wouldn’t work

@Electr1 Do you plan to create some sort of adapter to be able to use Pi Cameras? Would be hard? Would be great for compatibility and enter lower-level market cameras.
So, we can use VIM3 + Adapter + Other cameras

Hi @bizcocho85,
no, I don’t personally work with cameras, but I am sure making an adapter is easy, but most importantly you need proper drivers for the device, especially if you need it to communicate with the ISP,

all the required documentation from the Khadas side of things is available (MiPi CSI pinout etc.), and RPi community should have open source design files for their products, so I am sure its quite easy if you want to make your own convertor board :slightly_smiling_face:

p.s If you assume I am a Khadas staff, you may have mistaken me :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you @Electr1. Yes, I thought so.

Well, I hope someone could do that, since I am not electronic engineer and wouldn’t make sense on my side. At much, I can try to replicate if I have all the designs, components, etc.

I suppose that it is just wiring (wire with female for the pi camera, male for the vim3) and as you say, drivers.