Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?
Khadas official image.
vim4-android-11-64bit-v221228.raw.img.xz and vim4-android-11-64bit-v230428.raw.img.xz
Please describe your issue below:
I put an mp4 file with h.264 video and aac audio on a web server and can’t play it in chrome.
mp4 transcoded from h.264 video to av1 video can be played.
Even with the image that I downloaded aosp source code for vim4 and built, I could not play the mp4 file in chrome.
AMPlayer can play mp4 files downloaded under /sdcard/.
Where in the aosp source code should I change to be able to play mp4 files?
Perhaps you can try this patch?
It seems to affect all Amlogic devices.
$ adb remount
$ adb shell
# vi /vendor/build.prop
add this line to the end of the file and reboot.
or you can run this command in a terminal
setprop media.omx.out_buffer1 3