Hi all,
To be honest - I’m pretty noob in a HW, so I apologies if those questions have been answered before. I’m building my own yet another dashboard project and HDMI connection isn’t an option for me as I need to control LCD panel backlight and limited in a volume. I’m planning to use LCD panel of 7 or 8" with MIPI-DSI connection + TP. As for software part - i understand that I’ll need to change DTS files for correct timings and modify kernel resolution and enable lcd in a boot loader. My questions are about MIPI-DSI and TP attachments.
1/. Through schematics it seems any LCD with 30-pin MIPI cable should fit, but may require some extra efforts for correct voltage supply to LCD panel itself. Like in TS050 it may require +5V, -5V for LCD backlight. Perhaps somebody can point me to a simple LCD panel which will work out of the box with Khadas MIPI-DSI
2/ My main power bus to VIM3L is planned to be 12V to VIN - if I read carefully through schematics - the same VIN voltage will be supplied as VSYS power on MIPI-DSI connection (pins 26-30 on MIPI-DSI connector) ? So it needs a care and better attach a voltage regulator to LCD panel itself ?
3/ As for TP digitizers - looking on Aliexpress - most of them comes out with 6-pin cable, but VIM3L is 10-pin. If my understanding correct - in reality I need only 6 lines - 2 for I2C, TP INT, TP Reset, VCC and GND. Can 6 pin TP digitizers attached to 10 pin connector on a VIM3L main board or it need some extra efforts to route a signals ? Again if somebody can point to TP that works out of the box - it will be much appreciated.