Mind Graphics GPU Not Present

I just got my Mind Graphics. Everything (ethernet, fingerprint reader, speakers, USB ports, etc.) is working except for the GPU. The Nvidia installer does not detect the GPU. There is no GPU in Windows Device Manager.

I tried a separate computer and plugged it into the thunderbolt port in the front. It has the same issue. It can see everything in the dock except for the GPU.

Attaching screenshots from the Khadas Mind failing to install the drivers. :frowning:

Hello @johnjohn7188

Thank you for being so supportive of our products. Early purchasers of the Mind products do not have the latest version of the drivers integrated due to the product’s earlier release date. To ensure smooth operation with your Mind Graphics, you will need to follow the provided tutorial to upgrade the software and drivers when using Mind Graphics for the first time. Once the upgrade is complete, you can enjoy the powerful graphics acceleration of Mind Graphics with a simple plug-and-play experience.

Future versions of Mind will come pre-installed with the latest software and drivers, eliminating the need for this setup procedure.

We appreciate your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Hello! I followed those instructions when I received my Mind Graphics.
My Khadas Mind is already running version 1.1 for the BIOS and EC firmware.

The graphics driver installation keeps failing as shown in the screenshot.

Hello @johnjohn7188

Could you find the Mind Graphics in the device manager? And you could you provide a screenshot of that?


Definitely! Here are screenshots showing all the Khadas Mind Graphics peripherals showing up correctly except for the GPU. :frowning:

When I first connected the Khadas Mind to the Khadas Mind Graphics, I remember briefly seeing a generic adapter showing up under “Display Adapters” and then it quickly disappeared.

Also, the Khadas Mind Graphics fan is spinning at full blast all the time. I don’t know if that’s normal or not.

Hello @johnjohn7188

Could you do more testing?

Testing1: Mind Grap + Mind

  • Poweroff Mind
  • Disconnect Mind Graphics power cable
  • Disconnect Mind from Graphics and reconnect it again
  • Connect Mind Graphics power cable
  • Poweron Mind to check whether the Mind Graphics can be detected
  • If not please take a screenshot of the device manager

Testing2: Mind Graphics + PC

  • Poweroff Mind
  • Disconnect Mind Graphics power cable
  • Disconnect Mind from the Graphics
  • Connect Mind Graphics to your PC which supports thunderbolt
  • Connect the Mind Graphics power cable
  • Reboot your PC to check whether the Mind Graphics can be detected
  • If not please take a screenshot of the device manager


Same results as before. I’ve attached a screenshot of device manager as well as Khadas Mind app, which lists the GPU as Unknown. (Maybe another symptom of a bad GPU?)


I was no longer able to perform this test. I tried multiple times to plug into another PC via thunderbolt, and it’s no longer detecting any of the peripherals of Khadas Mind Graphics. :frowning:

Hello @johnjohn7188

Sorry for the issues, our after-sales team will contact you later.


Hello @johnjohn7188

Sorry for the issues, could you please provide details on where you made your purchase and the corresponding order number? So that our after-sales team will contact you.

Hello @johnjohn7188

We have received your order information, just hide your information here.

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I got also my Mind Graphics and I have exactly the same issue :frowning:

Hello @Albert_Schmoll

A private message have sent to you, please check and reply.

Sorry Guys but I am having the same issue. I went through the tutorial and the troubleshooting in the forum but the same problem. The GPU is not recognized when I mount my mind v2