Mind and non Windows O.S

Team, I was delighted to receive my Mind and Mind Dock a month or so ago. I want to install Linux Mint or Similar instead of Microsoft Windows? I am assuming that the power suspend and other features are still supported if an O.S other than Windows is installed?

Regards Steve

Hello @Merlin008

Ubuntu Linux was tested on the Mind and features were reported to be working.

@hyphop can add some more info about supports.


Hi, I’d like to learn more about support for Linux Mint. Has there been any other feedback or testing on Mind?

If I purchase the device, Windows 11 would be removed immediately. (It would be nice if there was a non-Windows version of Mind as well)


Hi @Taurian

Linux on the Mind does work, to support the raptor lake platform you’ll need to make sure you are on the newer version of the linux kernel > 6.0, most if not all distros are already will support it out of the box.

To have the mind enable its hibernation feature, you need to enable auto suspend from your settings, we can share some scripts which replicate the behavior you would expect if running on Windows.


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