Manjaro Linux - KDE-Plasma & XFCE for VIM1

does you .xz file include both mainline uboot and mainline kernels ? if so, chances are high that it can boot from emmc right away ,
here is what I’ll try…

wget -O - | xzcat | dd bs=1M of=`ls /dev/mmcblk?boot0 | head -c12` status=progress

sync; sync
shutdown, remove sdcard,
power on
pray and keep looking at boot screen !

You can add status=progress to aee the program of dd.
Wifi didn’t seem to work on my vim1 v14 might look into it tomorrow.
Off to bed.
Good luck.


the long command line worked (as root), xfce manjaro 20.08 mid august official was flashed from the cloud directly to my emmc (but simultaneous display of the progress of the 3 commands got a bit confused) , on the command line of another experimental 20.08 manjaro booted from µSDcard,
I had a quirk typing the password the 1st time after boot from emmc (my kbd layout was an unexpected qwerty instead of the azerty as i wanted);
next post and additional info will be sent on the vim1…

as promised, here is my 1st post from the august arm manjaro xfce release (connected to cloud ove ethernet, embedded wifi not listing any ssid and maybe not event started…) with a screen shot :

there is this issue:
keyboard layout selected during manjaro setup is not used at the xfce manual gui login dialog for entering the password: which is a bad user experience.
workaround is to force autologin following these instructions:

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Yes I found that too, have updated to the dev about the same.
Workaround is to change language in setting and not to make it autologin dear.

You can correct the language if the system in settings.

@hyphop, can you build and upload a kresq image out of this one
So that testers can use krescue to also install manjaro xfce…

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Ок I will check it today

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who made this image (again same mistakes like before - i have writen all image requirements for @Spikerguy already before - i can write it again - if he want make good image wellcome )

As this image ( once decompressed) can be flashed to emmc and should include mainline uboot, I thought it was ready also for being transformed by you into kresq format, what is wrong ?

yes u right ))) its works

but i i will write full image requirement - and easy ways to generates it -> today later !!!

PS: i think its will useful for everybody :wink:


What is the mistake?

in the meantime, let me try to install the kde variant into sdcard, in one another single command;
its image is @, so let’s try first to identify what is the sdcard path…
after inserting my card, dmesg says…

[  693.673794] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address aaaa
[  693.680047] mmcblk0: mmc0:aaaa SL08G 7.40 GiB 
[  693.696821]  mmcblk0: p1 p2

so let’s assume the command (to be run as root) will be…

wget -O - | xzcat | dd bs=4M of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress; sync; sync

estimated time of completion is around 12minutes, on my vim1 and on a slow 1.5Mbps internet connection

final message was…

0+635905 records in
0+635905 records out
5525995520 bytes (5.5 GB, 5.1 GiB) copied, 673.809 s, 8.2 MB/s

now let’s boot from that card…!

EDIT: bs=4M apparently is wrong :wilted_flower: as i have some inconsistency issue on the FS on the sdcard and it refuses to boot, so i redo the command w/ bs=1M as I used successfylly in the past…

EDIT: using bs=1M fixed the issue! :sunflower: manjaro is able to boot and installer is started, 1st question asked is about kbd layout, but in my case i am stuck because all usb ports on my vim1 are fried, so i cannot go farther, unless I find a way to use a console session to do all the required configurations before the gui even starts kde…!?

OK its ready

how-to make simple krescue image xz

I have made test example how its must be

Next link to example scripts which generate proper image

PS: i think next time manjaro mantainers can make it - its must be very easy - and i can provide only redirect link for krescue to official manjaro images

PSS: if anybody have some questions welcome
PSSS: this instructions not only for manjaro its universal for any other linux and not only linux os :wink:


here is the linux boot log for your manjaro xfce 20.08
there are a few errors regarding

  • bootsplash,
  • brcmfmac and
  • lima gpu repetitive reset errors that never end!

my vim1 pro has probably a fried usb2 chip, but think that does not explain all the wifi and lima problems,

I hope this can help us refine even further this good distro!

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another good news @Spikerguy ,
i can now report about installing,configuring and running manjaro 20.08 KDE variant on my vim1 as well;
I managed to configure it from a console session after 1st boot (just login as root w/o passwd, then follow the instructions),
and I also managed to make it use my BT mouse and BT keyboard and not a single USB hid device ever.

here is a kudos image of KDE in action on vim1 (from where I also post this)…

regarding wifi, same issue out of the box as the XFCE variant : wlan0 is absent and we cannot get any ssid list on the GUI…

[raxy@vim1jarokde ~]$ iw dev wlan0 scan
command failed: No such device (-19)

as the present xfce variant distro has some error messages spammed in dmesg, I’ve raised an issue in the appropriate community ( and some workaround is proposed, waiting for kernel 5.8rc7+ where the permanent fix shall be inserted!

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Linux Kernel updated to 5.9.8