Manjaro ARM for the VIM3

Userspace needs an alsa conf like and you need to set mixer settings like else things may be routed/muted incorrectly. I haven’t actually booted VIM3 on a 5.4 kernel yet, but VIM3L (which is basically the same thing) works for me…


I hope this will not conflict with pulseaudio right?

If you’re using pulse i’m not sure what userspace config is required … LE is using alsa (we use pulse for BT audio support only). Sorry :frowning:

Tried removing pulseaudio and then used all those scripts but still nothing is changing.

Hi Chewitt,
I am planning to use your kernel branch with 5.6-rc1 and see if we can get everything to work. As with Mainline 5.6-rc1 we have hw acc over llvmpile which seems to work quite smooth and also we have wifi working on it. We were not able to get audio to work though and it doesn’t have i2c3 nodes so fan doesn’t work.

I would like to ask which is the stable branch for me to test? Last time I tried to compile but had failed attempts.

I will try it again from here tonight and see if it compiles fine.

The branch is in an incomplete state and I’m travelling with work so won’t have an opportunity to work on anything for a couple of days :frowning:

Can I try the master Branch ? Its on 5.5 i hope that’s stable and complete for me to test build your work.

Sure, but the master branch is just vanilla torvalds/master at 5.6-rc1 … no extras :slight_smile:

5.6-rc1 ? The master branch says its 5.5 Which is a stable one with all your patches applied?

I would like to try all the vim3 patches applied one to see what all works.

Please advice the stable one please. Thanks.

Oh, you mean the LE repo? … I’m talking linux repo. The last “stable” kernel I made was ~5.3 and everything since has been shades of awkward due to there being overlapping dependencies on audio/video patch series. Linux 5.7 is the first point that most of it will come together so until then everyhing is a bit “best efforts” … but you can built the LE 5.5 patchset (it does build).

Flashed the latest manjaro krescue image @hyphop just put out, got wifi and bluetooth working perfectly using firmwares from the libreelec github repos. Still no sound though, and video output is a bit wonky. Can’t use anything other than 3840x2160, that’s fine on my 4K tv, but it looks horrendous on my ultrawide monitor. This is very encouraging nonetheless.

I tried reverting to the linux-vim3 kernel, but since it’s older I got the dreaded green screen of death. Is linux-vim intended to be a generic kernel for all vim devices from now on?

Looking forward to linux 5.7 if it’s as good as it sounds.


its very easy just change /boot/uEnv.ini and reboot

nano /boot/uEnv.ini && reboot

this one 800x600

cat /boot/uEnv.ini 
bootargs=root=LABEL=ROOT video=HDMI-A-1:800x600@60e rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0 bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash

this one 1280x720

cat /boot/uEnv.ini 
bootargs=root=LABEL=ROOT video=HDMI-A-1:1280x720@60e rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0 bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash

this one 1920x1080

cat /boot/uEnv.ini 
bootargs=root=LABEL=ROOT video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60e rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0 bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash
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which VIMx board name ?

just test again & confirm for VIM3L broken sound ! i will try to fix it !

linux-vim3 and linux-vim is for all Vim devices but it is 5.3 and 5.5.0 respectively. And 5.3 should not have green screen. If you want to can try linux-aarch64 which is pure mainline and also linux-aarch64-rc. Please try these only if you can recover from a kernel panic if it fails :stuck_out_tongue:

Please do share your experience of Manjaro in detail. It will help us understand users point of view so we can work on making Manjaro with a better user experience.


@hyphop Thanks for the tip about video resolution, will give it a try! The board is a regular Vim3.

@Spikerguy I dumped the emmc with krescue so I can recover from this, will give pure mainline a spin then! Looks like both have panfrost enabled, which ultimately is what interests me the most.

I intend to use this board as a retroarch box, but am feeling too restricted by the likes of EmuELEC. Since I already maintain most of the libretro stuff over at arch linux this should make it a lot easier for me. I’m also thinking of adapting the batocera fork of emulationstation to make it more FHS compliant and run best on arch-based distros.

BTW, I definitely have the green screen issue on 5.3. Also, now krescue on a SD card is also green, it wasn’t when I had emuelec on the emmc, or when I had it completely blank.

Back after some testing, setting the video resolution in uEnv.ini to 3440x1440 didn’t work, I only get a black screen (it does seem to boot though since I see led activity).

Tried linux-aarch64 and linux-aarch64-rc, both boot fine and I can see the boot splash with the manjaro logo as well (which I don’t using linux-vim, I get the regular init output).

Wifi does not work at all with linux-aarch64, it does work with rc, but with a few more errors than usual, here’s a log:

Video is still glitchy, the display sometimes hicks up, this happens across all linux kernels I tested. I haven’t tried audio yet, will do in a later test session.

yes Bootsplash only works on Mainline vanilla Kernel, while linux-vim and linux-vim3 is mainline with custom patches. which breaks bootsplash or sometimes hdmi output .

Yes linux-aarch64 is 5.5 while linux-aarch64-rc is 5.6-rc which have vim3’s wifi driver both still doesn’t have all the nodes from the vim3 dtb yet, so might have to wait till everything is mainlined.

Well yes video will be glitchy as there is no hw acc yet, By hicks up do you mean it flashes random pattern on screen for a millisecond? I have been facing the same since 5.1.
Let me know the audio status on linux-vim or linux-vim3 as thats what I think is the most stable kernels so far for vim3

if Krescue have green screen! its not big problem because installation process always properly and next boot for new os must right

what about other resolutions ? look like kernel dont have 3440x1440