Manjaro ARM for the VIM3

There is a file named watchdog in /root/dev howeverwhat to do with it?

Includes Manjaro :slight_smile:

No idea about the path.

Will have to check it myself.

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didn’t know it was a systemd based,
then it must be linked to the name of some other service, might need to do some digging around…

@Yasir_Javed can you share the output of:

systemctl list-unit-files --type=service


Please see output below:

UNIT FILE                                  STATE           VENDOR PRESET
accounts-daemon.service                    disabled        disabled      
alsa-restore.service                       static          -             
alsa-state.service                         static          -             
auditd.service                             disabled        disabled      
autorandr.service                          disabled        disabled      
autovt@.service                            alias           -             
avahi-daemon.service                       disabled        disabled      
avahi-dnsconfd.service                     disabled        disabled      
blk-availability.service                   disabled        disabled      
bluetooth-khadas.service                   enabled         disabled      
bluetooth-mesh.service                     disabled        disabled      
bluetooth.service                          enabled         disabled      
bootsplash-ask-password-console.service    static          -             
bootsplash-hide-when-booted.service        enabled         disabled      
bootsplash-show-on-shutdown.service        enabled         disabled      
btrfs-scrub@.service                       static          -             
canberra-system-bootup.service             disabled        disabled      
canberra-system-shutdown-reboot.service    disabled        disabled      
canberra-system-shutdown.service           disabled        disabled      
colord.service                             static          -             
console-getty.service                      disabled        disabled      
container-getty@.service                   static          -             
cpupower-gui-helper.service                enabled         disabled      
cpupower-gui.service                       enabled         disabled      
cpupower.service                           disabled        disabled      
dbus-fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service         alias           -             
dbus-org.bluez.service                     alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.home1.service         alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service     alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.import1.service       alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service       alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service        alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.machine1.service      alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service      alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.portable1.service     alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service      alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service     alias           -             
dbus-org.freedesktop.timesync1.service     alias           -             
dbus-org.rnd2.cpupower_gui.helper.service  alias           -             
dbus.service                               static          -             
debug-shell.service                        disabled        disabled      
dhclient@.service                          disabled        disabled      
dhcpcd.service                             disabled        disabled      
dhcpcd@.service                            disabled        disabled      
display-manager.service                    alias           -             
dm-event.service                           static          -             
dmraid.service                             disabled        disabled      
dnsmasq.service                            disabled        disabled      
e2scrub@.service                           static          -             
e2scrub_all.service                        static          -             
e2scrub_fail@.service                      static          -             
e2scrub_reap.service                       disabled        disabled      
ead.service                                disabled        disabled      
emergency.service                          static          -             
fancontrol.service                         disabled        disabled      
flatpak-system-helper.service              static          -             
fstrim.service                             static          -             
fwupd-offline-update.service               static          -             
fwupd-refresh.service                      static          -             
fwupd.service                              static          -             
geoclue.service                            static          -             
getty@.service                             enabled         enabled       
git-daemon@.service                        static          -             
gpm.service                                disabled        disabled      
haveged.service                            enabled         disabled      
healthd.service                            disabled        disabled      
initrd-cleanup.service                     static          -             
initrd-parse-etc.service                   static          -             
initrd-switch-root.service                 static          -             
initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service          static          -             
ip6tables.service                          disabled        disabled      
iptables.service                           disabled        disabled      
irexec.service                             disabled        disabled      
iwd.service                                disabled        disabled      
kmod-static-nodes.service                  static          -             
krb5-kadmind.service                       disabled        disabled      
krb5-kdc.service                           disabled        disabled      
krb5-kpropd.service                        disabled        disabled      
krb5-kpropd@.service                       static          -             
ldconfig.service                           static          -             
lircd-setup.service                        disabled        disabled      
lircd-uinput.service                       disabled        disabled      
lircd.service                              disabled        disabled      
lircmd.service                             disabled        disabled      
lm_sensors.service                         disabled        disabled      
lvm2-lvmpolld.service                      static          -             
lvm2-monitor.service                       static          -             
lvm2-pvscan@.service                       static          -             
man-db.service                             static          -             
mdadm-grow-continue@.service               static          -             
mdadm-last-resort@.service                 static          -             
mdmon@.service                             static          -             
mdmonitor.service                          static          -             
mkinitcpio-generate-shutdown-ramfs.service static          -             
ModemManager.service                       disabled        disabled      
modprobe@.service                          static          -             
ndctl-monitor.service                      disabled        disabled      
NetworkManager-dispatcher.service          enabled         disabled      
NetworkManager-wait-online.service         enabled         disabled      
NetworkManager.service                     enabled         disabled      
ninfod.service                             disabled        disabled      
nscd.service                               disabled        disabled      
openvpn-client@.service                    disabled        disabled      
openvpn-server@.service                    disabled        disabled      
ostree-finalize-staged.service             static          -             
ostree-prepare-root.service                static          -             
ostree-remount.service                     disabled        disabled      
paccache.service                           static          -             
packagekit-offline-update.service          static          -             
packagekit.service                         static          -             
pacman-init.service                        disabled        disabled      
pam_namespace.service                      static          -             
pamac-cleancache.service                   static          -             
pamac-daemon.service                       static          -             
pamac-mirrorlist.service                   static          -             
polkit.service                             static          -             
ppp@.service                               disabled        disabled      
quotaon.service                            static          -             
rarpd@.service                             disabled        disabled      
rdisc.service                              disabled        disabled      
rescue.service                             static          -             
rfkill-block@.service                      disabled        disabled      
rfkill-unblock@.service                    disabled        disabled      
rtkit-daemon.service                       disabled        disabled      
sddm.service                               enabled         disabled      
sensord.service                            disabled        disabled      
serial-getty@.service                      indirect        disabled      
shadow.service                             static          -             
shairplay.service                          disabled        disabled      
smartd.service                             disabled        disabled      
sound.service                              enabled         disabled      
sshd.service                               enabled         disabled      
sshdgenkeys.service                        static          -             
sudo_logsrvd.service                       disabled        disabled      
system-update-cleanup.service              static          -             
systemd-ask-password-console.service       static          -             
systemd-ask-password-wall.service          static          -             
systemd-backlight@.service                 static          -             
systemd-binfmt.service                     static          -             
systemd-bless-boot.service                 static          -             
systemd-boot-check-no-failures.service     disabled        disabled      
systemd-boot-system-token.service          static          -             
systemd-coredump@.service                  static          -             
systemd-exit.service                       static          -             
systemd-firstboot.service                  static          -             
systemd-fsck-root.service                  static          -             
systemd-fsck@.service                      static          -             
systemd-halt.service                       static          -             
systemd-hibernate-resume@.service          static          -             
systemd-hibernate.service                  static          -             
systemd-homed-activate.service             disabled        disabled      
systemd-homed.service                      enabled         enabled       
systemd-hostnamed.service                  static          -             
systemd-hwdb-update.service                static          -             
systemd-hybrid-sleep.service               static          -             
systemd-importd.service                    static          -             
systemd-journal-catalog-update.service     static          -             
systemd-journal-flush.service              static          -             
systemd-journal-gatewayd.service           indirect        disabled      
systemd-journal-remote.service             indirect        disabled      
systemd-journal-upload.service             disabled        disabled      
systemd-journald.service                   static          -             
systemd-journald@.service                  static          -             
systemd-kexec.service                      static          -             
systemd-localed.service                    static          -             
systemd-logind.service                     static          -             
systemd-machine-id-commit.service          static          -             
systemd-machined.service                   static          -             
systemd-modules-load.service               static          -             
systemd-network-generator.service          disabled        disabled      
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service       enabled         disabled      
systemd-networkd.service                   enabled         enabled       
systemd-nspawn@.service                    disabled        disabled      
systemd-oomd.service                       disabled        disabled      
systemd-portabled.service                  static          -             
systemd-poweroff.service                   static          -             
systemd-pstore.service                     enabled         enabled       
systemd-quotacheck.service                 static          -             
systemd-random-seed.service                static          -             
systemd-reboot.service                     static          -             
systemd-remount-fs.service                 enabled-runtime disabled      
systemd-repart.service                     static          -             
systemd-resolved.service                   enabled         enabled       
systemd-rfkill.service                     static          -             
systemd-suspend-then-hibernate.service     static          -             
systemd-suspend.service                    static          -             
systemd-sysctl.service                     static          -             
systemd-sysext.service                     disabled        disabled      
systemd-sysusers.service                   static          -             
systemd-time-wait-sync.service             disabled        disabled      
systemd-timedated.service                  static          -             
systemd-timesyncd.service                  enabled         enabled       
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service             static          -             
systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service         static          -             
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service             static          -             
systemd-udev-settle.service                static          -             
systemd-udev-trigger.service               static          -             
systemd-udevd.service                      static          -             
systemd-update-done.service                static          -             
systemd-update-utmp.service                static          -             
systemd-user-sessions.service              static          -             
systemd-userdbd.service                    indirect        disabled      
systemd-vconsole-setup.service             static          -             
systemd-volatile-root.service              static          -             
teamd@.service                             static          -             
tlp.service                                enabled         disabled      
udisks2-zram-setup@.service                static          -             
udisks2.service                            disabled        disabled      
upower.service                             disabled        disabled      
usbmuxd.service                            static          -             
user-runtime-dir@.service                  static          -             
user@.service                              static          -             
uuidd.service                              indirect        disabled      
wpa_supplicant-nl80211@.service            disabled        disabled      
wpa_supplicant-wired@.service              disabled        disabled      
wpa_supplicant.service                     enabled         disabled      
wpa_supplicant@.service                    disabled        disabled      
xfs_scrub@.service                         static          -             
xfs_scrub_all.service                      static          -             
xfs_scrub_fail@.service                    static          -             
zswap-arm.service                          enabled         disabled      

222 unit files listed.

Further today I also tried to mask the wpa_supplicant service however as soon as i did that, nmcli and nmtui were unable to detect any wireless network.

When I try to remove/uninstall wpa_supplicant using pamac, it tries to uninstall a whole load of other plasma things which i suspect might break my OS so i didnt uninstall.

I think wpa issue is coming from upstream code changes.

You should try disabling wifi complete and see if that helps.



Yes, disabling /masking WPA service (not uninstall, just disable) fixes the problem and shutdown completed in few seconds…

I can also confirm the issue does not exist in Fenix built Ubuntu mainline, it uses kernel 5.10 however… Manjaro is on 5.12… Maybe it’s something new…

I’m even prepared for any hack script which disables the WPA on shutdown and re enables on boot, but I’m not exactly confident I can do it without breaking anything else.


Hi @Spikerguy

I can confirm that using linux-vim instead of Linux-RC solves the WPA supplicant issue completely. The problem only exists in Linux RC, FYI please.

Also in the Linux - vim, there is no problem of watchdog hanging during shutdown. The shutdown is very clean and fast on it. I hope Linux-RC fixes the issue soon because other than this WPA problem, everything else was pretty great in it.

Yes if is it an upstream issue then it will be fixed in the next release.

Can you confirm if you have Manjaro ARM running on ur emmc with linux-vim installed and you do not get any green screen issue ?

Please do share the output of the following commands

  1. uname -a
  2. lsblk

Thank you.


Right now I have linux-vim and Mesa-git and manjaro is on emmc, there is no SD or USB even inserted in my vim. on all resolutions, my colors are ok. I can take camera snaps tomorrow to show you.

Also tomorrow I will share the output of these commands too.

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Ok thanks.

Just need to know the kernel version. Thanks.

Hi @Spikerguy

As promised, please see below for uname, lsblk, inxi, info centre and neofetch. Right now resolution is 1080p on a tv so borders are a little cut, but rest everything is great including colors…



Maybe in the new Linux - RC 5.12…we need below to reduce the boot 30seconds delay

Because this delay only exist on Linux RC 5.12…rc 5.11 was ok… And also the latest Linux - vim (5.11) is ok… You can try and reproduce same with below steps :

  1. Flash manjaro 20.12 from Krescue to emmc
  2. Boot into Krescue again and flash latest uboot-mainline
  3. Reboot to OS and install Linux-RC which will overwrite linux-vim
  4. Update all packages. At the end perform a reboot.

You’ll see the delay I’m talking about. Wait for it, it will eventually reach login, then install Linux - vim and reboot and you’ll face no delays…

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Thanks for the debug, For now I don’t think this can be fixed as it is coming from upstream, until someone come up with the patch :smiley:
I do not have much time lately, but can ping some maintainers so ask for help like @chewitt :stuck_out_tongue:


Use the analyse tools in systemd to see which service is causing the delay:

systemd-analyze plot > /tmp/plot.svg
eog /tmp/plot.svg

If you don’t have eog drop the svg file in a browser window and it will be rendered.

NB: I don’t run desktop Linux on any Khadas devices. I also don’t see any delays in boot, as I go from initial u-boot output to Kodi on-screen in about 10 seconds with 5.11.y and 5.12.y kernels. So if it’s a kernel issue, it’s a self-inflicted problem (perhaps defconfig).


Hi @chewitt

I plotted both with linux-vim (5.11) and linux-rc (5.12) and strangely enough, cant pinpoint any specific service.

It was not 30 seconds, rather 65s as the bootchart suggests. Normal loading of kernel takes 6seconds… I have attached both below, if you can have a look.



I also fetched dmesg for each kernel:



I will search manjaro forums and archwiki if i can find something. Maybe it is an RC issue and in the next version it gets fixed on auto…


[   64.477379] bootsplash: Failed to initialize.

^ that’s my guess :slight_smile:


Thank you. That is me being lazy or lack of time to migrate from bootsplash to plymouth :frowning:

Might take sometime off to look into this during the weekend.

@Yasir_Javed try removing this bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash from
/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file

Then reboot.

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Ok, let me try and revert

@Spikerguy @chewitt
ITS FIXED… Kernel booting in 1.5seconds now,… thats even faster than the stable kernel. :stuck_out_tongue:


Current contents of extlinux.conf are:

FDT /dtbs/amlogic/meson-g12b-a311d-khadas-vim3.dtb
APPEND initrd=/initramfs-linux.img root=LABEL=ROOT_MNJRO rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0
#APPEND initrd=/uInitrd root=LABEL=ROOT_MNJRO rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes net.ifnames=0 bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash

I also think we can remove the last line starting with “#” in extlinux.conf, but probably best if someone reviews it. Currently it does nothing…



I am having problem updating Manjaro:

conflicting files:

  • linux-firmware: /usr/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4356-sdio.khadas,vim2.txt already exists in filesystem (owned by kvim2-firmware)

After this,i removed kvim2firmware and then updated without issues.

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