Main.cpp: undefined reference to 'det_xxx'

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

Vim3 Pro

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 20.04

Hi @Frank @numbqq ,

I cannot run “main.cpp”. Can you help please?

The image of the error is given below.

@ahmet_karazor Please follow our docs to compile.

Hi @Frank ,

I am following “all” your documents. But I can’t compile my own yolox model. Can you share a video on how I can run any pretrained “yolox” model in Khadas with npu step by step, please?


@Frank Can you make this video?

@ahmet_karazor The demo we provide can be compiled by running build_sh. If it is your own model, you need to implement the pre- and post-processing yourself.