Linux 32-bit build

I noticed recently support for 32 build was removed from fenix. Is there a way I can build 32-bit version of linux…?

really?, are we running 64bit now?,
But how do you configure which register length (32 bit or 64bit) to use ?
@Archangel1235 Maybe you can use an older image I guess ?

any help @numbqq or anyone from khadas…?

Hello @Archangel1235

I just remove the 32 bit of rootfs support. Actually, the kernel is still 64 bit in old version. And we haven’t maintained some 32 bit debian packages.
Could you tell me why you need 32 bit system?

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@numbqq Thanks for the reply
aarch64 has terrible support for apps when compared to armhf… I was thinking of installing steam link or some game streaming service in my VIM… so a 32 bit build…

also with 32 bit widevine can be installed so we could watch netflix and other DRM content

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Hello @Archangel1235

OK. You can try to checkout to previous version and build 32 bit system. But I haven’t tested armhf for a long time …

$ git checkout v0.9.1
$ source env/ expert   ## select armhf