KSNN: OpenPose demo

Demonstration effect (On VIM3)


How to Run

Clone the github-directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/khadas/ksnn.git
$cd ksnn/examples/caffe

Plug in your webcam, and find it’s device number using the command:

ls /dev/video*

If you have multiple devices and are unsure which is your webcam, compare the command output between the unplugged and plugged-in states.

Single Person Demo

Replace ‘X’ with your webcam’s device number, e.g. 1

$ python3 openpose-signle-cap.py --model ./models/VIM3/openpose.nb --library libs/libnn_openpose.so --device X --level 0
$ python3 openpose-signle-picture.py --model ./models/VIM3/openpose.nb --library libs/libnn_openpose.so --picture data/person.jpg --level 0

Multiple Persons Demo

Replace ‘X’ with your webcam’s device number, e.g. 1

$ python3 openpose-multi-cap.py --model ./models/VIM3/openpose.nb --library libs/libnn_openpose.so --device X --level 0
$ python3 openpose-multi-picture.py --model ./models/VIM3/openpose.nb --library libs/libnn_openpose.so --picture data/person.jpg --level 0

Convert Parameters

$ ./convert \
--model-name openpose \
--platform caffe \
--model pose_deploy_linevec.prototxt \
--weights pose_iter_440000.caffemodel \
--mean-values '0,0,0,256' \
--quantized-dtype asymmetric_affine \
--kboard VIM3 --print-level 1


The official original model needs to be modified before conversion, here is the modified model



  1. The model is the original model and needs to be optimized.
  2. Maybe use AlphaPose instead.

Does KSNN use the 5.0 TOPS NPU?

@jason_zhu Yes. all demo and api use NPU


I found an old file and tried to run it, but the skeleton is not displayed on the webcam output. Is this a demo file that is no longer supported?