KSNN conversion tutorials don't work

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

VIM3 Pro

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 20.04

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?


Please describe your issue below:

Working on KSNN usage (KSNN Usage | Khadas Documentation) and KSNN conversion tool (Instructions for KSNN conversion tool | Khadas Documentation) tutorials and implementing my own model I want to. When I run the “./convert” command, I get errors “bash: ./convert: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error” and “bash: ./convert: No such file or directory”. Images of the errors are below. In my research, I could not find a solution to this problem. Could you help?

@Huseyin_Cayirli Hello, please use SDK to convert . This just a test demo.

@Frank Hello again,

I already tried the SDK to convert tutorial you mentioned. I tried again with your suggestion and got the same error again. You can see the error in the image below. I cannot run the “convert” file. What could be the reason for this?

@Huseyin_Cayirli SDK work with your PC. not in the VIM3.

@Frank Then, in order to run my own model real time on NPU, I need to preprocess (running “./convert” to create the .so file etc.) on the pc and then use VIM3 to run only real time?

@Huseyin_Cayirli Yes. You convert it on PC, then move it to your VIM3 and run.

@Frank As you said, I was able to run the convert command on the pc and convert the inception model in the demo. Thank you for the information.

Now, I tried to convert my own models, yolov5s and yolox-tiny, separately in onnx and pytorch formats. However, I encountered the following errors. What could be the cause of these errors?

Pytorch-YOLOv5s ERROR


@Frank @Huseyin_Cayirli Did there end up being a solution to this problem? I am also trying to convert Yolov5 Pytorch models using this method and am getting the same error.

No, I couldn’t find any solution. And as you can see, @Frank didn’t even reply to my last message. I’m stuck on this problem.