Khadas Tone 1 not detected as USB device

Hi all, it is a pleasure to be a member of the magnificent Khadas community.

I have had a Khadas Tone 1 for three years.

Recently it is not detected as a USB device, neither in Linux nor in Windows. I have tried with various cables and on different ports, also on my laptop. Curiously, the LED lights up, then the power is on.

Please could you help me with tis issue?. I think that maybe it is corrupted drivers or flash image question… but I can’t figure out how to flash Khadas
Tone 1 if it is not detected as a USB device. At any manner, sadly… perhaps
is bricked.

Thank’s a lot in advance

Tone 1 has two USB input ports,one is generic USB Type C as shown in incon 1,another one is from 40-PIN header as shown in incon 2. I think you use USB type C for the USB connection to your laptop.

You can try to connect to your laptop from 40-PIN header as the following picture shown.

Pin Name Wire color Note
1 VBUS Red +5 V,Power
2 D− White Data −,data-
3 D+ Green Data +,data+
4 GND Black Ground