πŸ“’ Join the OpenCV AI Competition 2023!

Hello Folks,

Showcase your cutting-edge AI models and algorithms in computer vision for a chance to win over $48,000 in prizes! !:trophy::tada:

:mag: Explore new opportunities and challenge categories in robotics, agriculture, education, visually impaired assistance, health, sports, and entertainment. !:handshake::earth_africa:

:unlock:No restrictions on problem types, hardware, or programming language! Just use the OpenCV Library to complete your projects. !:computer::wrench:

:mega:Step up, build something amazing, and you might hear your name called during the Grand Prize Winners announcement live stream. :movie_camera::medal_sports:

Don’t miss this chance to be at the forefront of computer vision advancements! !:muscle::sparkles:

Check here: OpenCV AI Competition 2023
