Issue with Display Post Android 13 OTA Upgrade on Khadas Edge 2

Dear Khadas Support Team,

I am writing to report an issue encountered while upgrading my Khadas Edge 2 device from Android 12 to Android 13 using OTA updates.

Following your documentation, I built the images with OTA support using the command:
./ -UCKAou

I then pushed the OTA package ( located under PATH_YOUR_PROJECT/rockdev/kedge2/ to the device’s /sdcard/ or /storage/emulated/0/ using ADB.

The device successfully detected the new firmware, and I proceeded with the upgrade. Post-upgrade, I verified the Android version ( and build date ( to confirm that the system was upgraded to Android 13 with the correct build information.

However, after the upgrade, I encountered an issue where neither the HDMI display nor the Khadas TS050 display proceeds past the Khadas boot logo animation (see attached image).

Interestingly, if I flash the PATH_YOUR_PROJECT/rockdev/update.img using RKDevTool, the displays work perfectly. This suggests the issue may be specific to the OTA upgrade process or the associated configuration.

The device appears to boot correctly otherwise, but the display remains stuck at the boot logo. I would appreciate your guidance on resolving this issue, as it hinders further usage of the device.

Please let me know if additional logs or information are required to assist in debugging this problem.

Thank you for your support.

We only verify OTA upgrades for the same Android version. For different versions, please refer to the documentation for instructions.

Hi @william.lin,

Thank you for your prompt response.

After reviewing the document you referenced, could you please provide a link to a Google Drive folder (or a similar platform) containing the Android 13 SDK patches mentioned in Chapter 2? Unfortunately, I’m unable to download the files from the Baidu network disk.

I appreciate your assistance.

We only have baidu cloud drive, no google cloud drive. I think you can download it directly from Github.

@william.lin Thank you again for your prompt response.

Can you please point me out the GitHub link to the respective patches?

Hi @therealdev ,
You can download the patch from the link below. The patch has not been integrated into the khadas main line.