Issue Accessing DTB Overlay File on VIM1S with Debian

Hello everyone,

I’ve recently installed Debian on my Khadas VIM1S and I’m encountering an issue with accessing a specific file via command line. When I attempt to run the following command:

cat /boot/dtb-5.4.180/amlogic/kvim1s.dtb.overlay.env

I receive this error message:

cat: /boot/dtb-5.4.180/amlogic/kvim1s.dtb.overlay.env: No such file or directory

However, when I use WinSCP to browse the file system, I can clearly see the files are present. I’m attaching the files I can see through WinSCP for reference.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 201958

I need to access this file because I want to enable SPI on my device. Does anyone know why this discrepancy exists and how I can resolve it so that the files are accessible via the command line as well?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am new to using Khadas and still quite a beginner, so please bear with me as I navigate through this.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

The firmware you are using may not have overlays support added.which firmware are you using?

Sorry for my late response.
I have installed Debian. This is the firmware version I am currently using

khadas@Khadas:~$ uname -a
Linux Khadas 5.4.180 #1.5.1 SMP PREEMPT aarch64 GNU/Linux

Hello @PhaZee

1.This firmware function is not perfect enough

2.It is recommended to use Ubuntu firmware, you can get it directly or build it yourself.