Instructions: Installation MultiOS_3in1 (Android+Libreelec+Linux) from balbes150

  1. Download the archive with the finished system Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20171007.img.xz, unpack the archive and write the image on a memory card or flash card.

    For Windows: using Win32DiskImager

    For Linux: We connect the medium and look where it was mounted
    sudo fdisk -l

    /dev/sdb1 this is the same flash drive we’ll work with
    sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/your_login/Download/Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20171007.img of=/dev/sdb1
  2. On the recorded flash card you will have folders with them dtb and dtb-3.14.29
    Copy the root of the map kvim2_multios.dtb and rename it to dtb.img
  3. Boot to android
  4. Сonnect the flash drive or the card to the device
  5. Run the program Update&Backup
  6. Select as an archive for the updates

  7. Push the button Update

    The console will automatically reboot into the recovery and make all necessary changes to the bootloader.
  8. When the download comes to entering the login, we enter the login - root, password - 1234
  9. Next, you need to replace the root password with your own (we first enter the old one and then the new one)
  10. The next step is to create a new account and password for it
  11. And the final step is to add. information (you can fill in nothing) and confirm the correctness of the data
    The device will reboot automatically
  12. If the system itself starts up normally and works with external media, you can proceed to the process of installing a new firmware.
    Download the KVIM2-emmc.img.gz archive and copy it to the /ddbr directory on the running system
  13. Download installation script kvim2-update
  14. Go to the directory with the downloaded script and run the terminal in it. To start the installation in the terminal, register the command: sudo kvim2-update
  15. Next, follow the prompts for the script to install the system
  16. After the installation is complete, close the terminal, quit and run VIM2 without any external media

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