Infrared camera setup in Edge2

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

I use Ubuntu.

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Ubuntu 20.04

Please describe your issue below:

I want to use an infrared camera setup for night recordings. I have explored the available and compatible (with Edge2) cameras in the khadas store. Unfortunately, non provides this capability out of the box.

I have some raspberry pi cameras but then the issues come to i) connecting them (they are csi 22pin) and ii) making them work on the Edge2.

I have seen that Edge2 supports the OS08A10 8MP HDR camera (, ideally allowing for the IR-CUT to be disabled. My question is, can I connect some IR LEDs to the Edge2 GPIO, and disable the IR-CUT on the OS08A10 to have a night mode camera setup?

Have someone else work on something similar, or can you give me some pointers?

Help much appreciated.

Post a console log of your issue below:

Hi @omarc, welcome to the forum.

In principle, yes, your idea should work. By disabling the IR Cut it should turn the OS08A10 into a infrared night camera.

Let me try this and let you know.


Thanks, @Electr1

I would really appreciate it if you could test it.

Best regards,

@omarc apologies, the Edge2 software doesn’t currently doesn’t support any ways to control the IR-CUT at the moment, so it isn’t possible to disable the IR filter.

Thanks, @Electr1, for your update. That is unfortunate.

I also have a VIM4 I can use to disable the IR-CUT if the issue is only with the software. Do you think this might work? Or does the software feature’s unavailability extend to all the compatible Khadas boards?

Best regards

@omarc it hasn’t been tested on Edge2, but a solution might be available for it.

Hello @omarc
In Edge2 the IR-CUT gpio was disabled in dts by default, I have test OS08A10 in python by opencv and it can capture the IR LED

import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(51)

if not cap.isOpened():
    print("can't open")

while True:
    ret, frame =

    if not ret:
        print("cant't read")

    cv2.imshow('Night Vision Preview', frame)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


You can use by this file, and test whether it would be effective for your demand.


Hey @Jacobe ,

thanks for trying the setup.

If I understood correctly, is the IR-CUT of the OS08A10 camera disabled by default? or is the IR-CUT disabled (somehow) in the GPIO?

I don’t have the OS08A10 camera yet, so I wanted to ask you before buying it.

I tried setting up IR LEDs with a Khadas IMX415 Camera I have, but I could not make it work. The camera sees almost nothing in the dark even with the IR LEDS on. I can see a lot of noise and a little bit of light patterns; maybe the IMX415 has an IR cut by default.

Best regards,

Hello @omarc

In dts file, the IR-CUT disabled in the GPIO by default. So if one day you need the function you can open the node manully. We only set the reset-gpio.

IMX415 don’t have the IR-CUT :wink:
