Info: utility or api for vim3l suspend

hi guys, today I was working on suspend validation for vim3l board.
I was able do suspend board with graphical interface on HDMI and go out off suspend by pressing power button.
I am now facing issues with doing same over mincom (linux-serial-terminal). so I put up ubuntu pre-built image to test if there are some error from my image for pre-built image got same issue as shown in bellow logs. can you help me out here is there any work around or is it some kind of limitation

Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Khadas ttyS0

Khadas login: khadas

Welcome to Fenix 1.0.9 Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Linux 4.9.241  
 _  ___               _            __     _____ __  __ _____ _     
| |/ / |__   __ _  __| | __ _ ___  \ \   / /_ _|  \/  |___ /| |    
| ' /| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` / __|  \ \ / / | || |\/| | |_ \| |    
| . \| | | | (_| | (_| | (_| \__ \   \ V /  | || |  | |___) | |___ 
|_|\_\_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|___/    \_/  |___|_|  |_|____/|_____|

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Last login: Fri Dec 17 10:17:21 UTC 2021 on ttyS0
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo suspend
[sudo] password for khadas: 
sudo: suspend: command not found
khadas@Khadas:~$ suspend
-bash: suspend: cannot suspend a login shell
khadas@Khadas:~$ su
root@Khadas:/home/khadas# cd 
root@Khadas:~# suspend

[1]+  Stopped                 su
khadas@Khadas:~$ su
root@Khadas:/home/khadas# cd
root@Khadas:~# sudo suspend
sudo: suspend: command not found


  • used “systemctl suspend” to suspend vim3l over minicom (and get out of suspend without reboot)
root@Khadas:~# systemctl suspend
root@Khadas:~# bl30 get wakeup sources!
process command 00000006
bl30 enter suspend!
Little core clk suspend rate 1908000000
store restore gp0 pll
store restore gp1 pll
suspend_counter: 3
Enter ddr suspend
ddr suspend time: 16us
process command 00000001
cec ver:2018/07/29
CEC cfg:0x002f
use vddee new table!
cec reset
Set cec pinmux:0x11
kern log_addr:0x00
kern phy_addr:0x00 00
cec T: 00
Set cec log_addr:0x10,ADDR0:10
use vddee new table!
Enter ddr resume
ddr resume time: 232us
store restore gp0 pll
store restore gp1 pll
cfg15 63b00000 
cfg15 63b00000 
Little core clk resume rate 1908000000
[  898.959203@0] cectx ff80023c.aocec: wakeup_reason:0x6
[  898.959301@0] cectx ff80023c.aocec: cev val1: 0x0;val2: 0x0
[  899.153703@3] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  899.159861@3] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  899.167005@3] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  899.174321@3] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  899.176949@3] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
root@Khadas:~# [  901.058306@1] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  901.065010@1] meson-mmc: Tuning transfer error: nmatch=0 tuning_err:0xffffffac
[  901.394335@2] CONFIG-ERROR) dhd_conf_set_intiovar: txbf setting failed -23
