Im having crash reboots

Im having crash reboots randomly on one of my edge 2 devices… and the HW frequencies are not matching equally.

Im gonna flash a few other images to make sure this isnt a problem I am having with my current one… but… I dont know how properly… be certain this isnt a me problem.

I also seem to not have the DMC.

Next week I will be able to compare this with my other edge 2…

On Khadas oficial fenix ubuntu image.

I think my board is damaged.

Hello @DarkevilPT

Could you provide us the full kernel log?


This is on Khadas Edge 2 official vendor kernel 6.1 Mali

Hello @DarkevilPT

It seems I have no permission to access.


This is so annoying… my apologies numbqq can you please try again?

Hello @DarkevilPT

Have you checked the image with 5.10 kernel?


I havent no and Im traveling tonight so I cant check but in 2 days time I will confirm these issues and share the dmesg files.

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On Khadas 5.10.198 it seems that dmc/governor exists but CPU frequencies still dont match and on this kernel the system goes on crash reboots like on the kwankius arch linux…

I was able to capture it… its as soon as u trigger performance… good bye.

Here 5.10.198 crash reboots - Google Drive

From the log I can’t find any errors case the crash, how you supply the power? Or do you have a chance to capture the serial debug log?

Power supply im using the Samsung Fast Charger TA-845 45W. Ive used it for all boards and never had issues.

The monitor im using the oficial pi charger to give it energy… otherwise all connected to the edge 2 via type c often boot loops or have the monitor into less bright.

Via hdmi its fine. Crash reboots still happens via hdmi.

I dont honestly believe this is a power glitch Im using a second TA845 from the one I was in Portugal here in Belfast.

Crash Reboots - on performance and randomly it does happens. I havent yet tested again on my other edge 2 which never gave me these issues.

@numbqq how do I capture the serial debug log?

You mean it will crash when the cpu governor is performance?

khadas@Khadas:~$ cat  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/scaling_governor 

Do you use the Maker Kit or ARM PC version? If it is Maker Kit, then you need an Edge2 IO board, if is ARM PC version, you need an Edge2 Station.

Correct… if I change it to performance after a quick minute or two… crashes…

Mine is the arm PC with the metal silver shell and no I dont have the station but… meh… Idk what I can do… tbh.

Hello @DarkevilPT

I have sent a private message to you, please check and reply.

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