I can't run vim1 right now

No signal after reboot with cleared eMMC what to do? LED is white on

I can’t run krescue from usb

if you cleaned your eMMC, there is neither any uboot or OS image on board to run,
try connecting it to your pc and using the amlogic burning tool to flash android or 4.9 linux

Flash krescue on sdcard
Insert sdcard on vim.

Power on with hdmi connected you will see krescue screen.

Then you can install any OS as per your needs.

I solved the problem with tweezers to close the contact of Trigger M, It appeared in Amlogic Burning Tool.
@Spikerguy I wanted to tell you that my parents mixed up that I have VIM3 actually I have VIM1.

I ended up flashing android and then ubuntu and everything worked.