How to set up third USB input or output on VIM3L?

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Is there any way to set up a third USB output or input on the VIM3L? I need 1 output to power the touch function on a LCD touch screen, 1 output to a PO100AK SPDIF bridge and 1 input for a memory stick holding music files for playback.

I tried to use the USBC for this but could not get any functionality. Anyone have any fix for this?

Thanks for any replies.

The bit number diagram is as follows

Or you can connect a USB hub so that one USB port can be expanded to multiple uses.

Thank you. So I can just solder a USB cable onto those header pins?

Yes, you can also use Dupont wire

I connected a USB Micro cable to the pins using Molex connectors as indicated on the image you posted and I could only get 3.3 volts out of the pins and even when I metered the pins with no wires attached. I tried powering the VIM3L with a USBC and 12 volts but no difference.

Any ideas?

As shown in the picture below, use a multimeter to confirm that these two pins are 5V.

Apologies for my simple question but I bought a powered USB hub and no matter how I connect it to my VIM3L I can not get any of the hub ports to work. What port or ports on my VIM3L should I connect to the hub?

Thanks for any advice.

Do I need to change the USB-C port output settings on my VIM3L?

I’ve given up trying to use a USB HUB or trying to expand USB ports on my VIM3L so please ignore these questions.