How to run my own model with NPU

Hi ,
Is this problem that has been solved ?


@liudongbo Please run fb demo with framebuffer mode. Or you can run x11 demo.

I have run:
./detect_demo_x11_usb -d /dev/video0 -m 2
it can’t open the video and return as below:

Here i have another question:
i try to clone aml_npu_sdk on the board, but it has not enough spaces ,however , i clone it on my computer , it can’t convert the model as below:

What’s wrong with it ?

someone here please ?

nobody can resolve this problem ?
I think it will be success soon .

I am still verifying the NPU demo here

OK. thank you very much .

In my opinion , perhaps this error is caused by Model Converting tool ,which is absent library .

How about this issue ?