How to manage file define different module size

@xiong.zhang, @numbqq ,

I have VIM4 android board where i have 250mb boot-animation file size. So build issue is generating extending board system size define. Can you tell me how much max system, vender etc file size define in file.

@xiong.zhang, @numbqq ,

i have download latest code and build with the gapp it showing following issue.

RuntimeError: sum of sizes of [‘system’, ‘vendor’, ‘product’, ‘odm’, ‘system_ext’] is greater than BOARD_SUPER_PARTITION_SIZE:
1429176320+350867456+245014528+827392+149917696 == 2175803392 > 2147483648 == 2147483648

Try this modification to 2175803392

@xiong.zhang, @numbqq ,

Still same issue even when i have make board_super_partition_size 33633831808 that time it’s building but it’s not flashing in the board.

When i am keeping BOARD_SUPER_PARTITION 2192044032

izes --logfile out/target/product/kvim4/obj/PACKAGING/check-all-partition-sizes_intermediates/check_all_partition_sizes_log out/target/product/kvim4/obj/PACKAGING/c
heck-all-partition-sizes_intermediates/misc_info.txt )"
2024-04-22 11:25:59 - - WARNING : sum of sizes of [‘system’, ‘vendor’, ‘product’, ‘odm’, ‘system_ext’] is greater than BOARD_SUPER_PARTITION_
1445416960+350867456+245014528+827392+149917696 == 2192044032 > 2082441830 == 2082441830

Post it out of the git diff you modified

How to manage size of each section to increase BOARD_SUPER_PARTITION_SIZE in the system. can you please explain about this.