How to integrate logitech webcam pro 9000 (usb type) to my khadas vim3 and make it default front camera

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

khadas vim3 PRO

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 9

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

self built images (with gapps patch given by @Terry )

Please describe your issue below:

when I connect webcam logitech pro 9000 via usb to my khadas vim3 pro camera 2 app is not detecting this webcam, how ever when I downloaded USB CAMERA VIEWER app from playstore in that app I am able to take photos from my webcam. So how to integrate my webcam to this product as main cam and can access it in every application. is there any thing I need to add in my build? and also does the procedure is same to integrate Creative Webcam VF0800 USB 3.0 Intel RealSense Developer Kit instead of logicat or it requires any other additional work?

Thanks in advance

@katta_Prudhvi_Raj I think you can refer to this document for UVC camera working:

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Thankyou @Electr1, I will work on that… one more doubt does this procedure makes us to integrate any usb webcam to our khadas vim3 device or is there any limitation for these type of devices

As mentioned, Android provide support for any general UVC usb camera protocol.

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Thanks for your answer, I have worked on it. It is working completely fine for logitech quickcam pro 9000.

Hi, I want to make my external usb camera connected to khadas vim3 to work as default front camera, but its working like rear camera. so in some apps which work on front cam feed by default it is showing blank but when clicking switch camera icon it is showing feed. I followed this blog to make it USB camera as default front camera device but its not working. can any one help me on fixing this issue ?

Thanks in Advance


I found where to make changes to treat usb camera as front camera by default.

	ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback=true \

make it false such that it will treat usb camera as front camera by default.


  switch (mSensorType) {
         case SENSOR_USB :
          property_get("ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback", property, NULL);
          if (strstr(property, "true")) {
            lensFacing =  ANDROID_LENS_FACING_BACK;
            mFacingBack = 1;
          } else if (strstr(property, "false")) {
            lensFacing = ANDROID_LENS_FACING_FRONT;
            mFacingBack = 0;
          } else {
            // Default facing external using for cts
            lensFacing = ANDROID_LENS_FACING_EXTERNAL;
            mFacingBack = 0;

in above code elseif part will be executed. which resolved the issue of some apps default camera feed showing blank as it will directly access usb camera feed as Front camera Feed.