How to flash Android wear image on to VIM3

I have been using VIM3 to flash android images, specifically phone/tablet images(android-13.0.0_r64).
I want to flash android wear image on to VIM3 board. Is it possible to do it.
Can someone help to provide the steps for flashing the image on to VIM3

Hello @adommara

@xiong.zhang will help you then.

Do we provide android wear images?

I could see google open source images for wear refs/heads/android-wear-9.0.0_r34 - platform/manifest - Git at Google

Our VIM3 is updated based on Amlogic’s SDK, but they have no relevant updates so we have no way to update Google’s

Ok got it., then do we have wear image specific to VIM3.
If yes, can you please help to provide the process of getting the image and flashing on to VIM3

We don’t have this wear mirror here