Sorry for NewB question. I connected my Edge-V and TS050 like pictures, but not working (couldn’t be booted)
Was I wrong? Or something else be needed?
Build kernel:
$ cd kernel
$ make ARCH=arm64 kedge_defconfig -jN
$ make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-khadas-edge-android.img -jN
3.2 Main and Secondary Display Config
android 9.0 Config
vendor.hwc.device.primary=DSI \
android 7.1 Config
sys.hwc.device.primary=DSI \
Thank you for your kind reply.
It seems about andriod. But I want to run Ubuntu.
connecting like your picture, the machine could be booted now, but The ubuntu is not loaded(screen is black). Have you any idea about this?
Hello @Sean_Yi
When you remove the TS050, does the ubuntu boot well?
First confirm whether the LCD has been burned out. Please download this firmware validation.
Yes. When I disconnect TS050, then connect to my monitor via HDMI, System boots up and work without any problem
Thanks for your help. But I’m a newb with this kind of sbc, Can you tell me how to apply this firmware to my Edge with more details?? I’m running Ubuntu on SDCard, so I have some confusing about this method; Should I move OS to eMMC?
yes, requires erasing Flash
. refer to:
There are some instructions here, but a few of the images are missing:
@tsangyoujun You deleted the picture. Follow up on this question.
The links got broken again. I will fix them.
Links are broken again on mega @goenjoy
also i’ve try to build android 10 using TS050 guide to configure dts and got boot loop on Khadas Edge V Pro with only TS050 display connected
quick update, booted board without any display, wait 5 mins, power off, attach display and it works like a charm
@santiagax99 That was a very early firmware. Now the latest firmware directly supports dual screen display.
So I can download latest firmware of Android qt and my ts050 screen will work out of the box ? In my config ts050 is only display connected to the board
Yes, but you must first ensure that the hardware connection is correct.