How to change DDR freq?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 22.04.3. kernel 5.4.180 #1.5 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 25 12:18:15

I want to run mem test in different mem freq cases.

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas official images

Please describe your issue below:

On x86_64 BIOS I can see menu with DDR freq params.
How I can set DDR freq for Khadas Vim4 ?
Do I need to rebuild u-boot for each freq ?
Do you have some instruction how to make this ?

Hello @Black.S the ddr frequency is not modifyable.


Sorry but I’ve found some explanation How can I check or change the clock speed of DRAM at Ubuntu?

Can this way cover DDR freq changing ?

If so, looks suitable but I still have some questions how to select the right value for DRAMFreq

@Black.S yes you can change that file to modify, but cannot ensure the stability of your device, as it is already tuned for the proper frequency.

1 Like

It really works.
Thank you
Sad, that you can’t provide more info about what mean DRAMFreq and how to calculate optimal
But anyway, thanks a lot for current info. It’s very useful.