How to capture image from Khadas CSI MIPI camera in VIM3

I have CSI MIPI camera from Khadas supported for VIM3. I am running VIM3 Ubuntu image from khadas and trying to run MIPI camera on it. I want to capture image from that camera while I see the frames on GUI environment just like when we open and capture an image from android camera. It must be an simple task but I couldn’t find and command, software or code to capture image from MIPI camera. I need some help urgently.

I have already used:

  1. v4l2_test -c 1 -p 0 -F 0 -f 0 -D 0 -R 1 -r 2 -d 2 -N 1000 -n 800 -w 0 -e 1 -I 0 -b /dev/fb0 -v /dev/video0 But it only runs in TTY or framebuffer mode and just shows the camera feed, can’t capture the image and save to storage.

  2. guvcview it was running on GUI desktop mode but with some greenish image output but after a restart it started to show invalid resolution index and Segmentation Fault error which I wasn’t able to resolve even after reinstalling guvcview.

  3. Cheese doesn’t work.

I want to capture image to train my yolov3 model. So really in need to some GUI desktop app or code. I know VIM3 supports this MIPI camera but I couldn’t see any software to access it.

Any Gstreamer command can also work for me as I could integrate it with openCV. If anybody has any knowledge about something useful for my case, please help me out.


You just need to switch off IR filter, with command from khadas docs. It works fine for me, but without official reply I cannot be absolutely sure.

guvcview it was running on GUI desktop mode but with some greenish image output but after a restart it started to show invalid resolution index and Segmentation Fault error which I wasn’t able to resolve even after reinstalling guvcview.

Are you sure setup the right parameters? @Frank will help you.