How can I use an iPad as an output display for my Khadas Edge 2

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Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas Official Image

Please describe your issue below:

I was looking towards to work with my khadas edge 2 on the go with the assistance of my ipad. I’m trying to natively connect my khadas edge 2 to my ipad and use the ipad as a display. I had seen that with a single cable i can use the ipad to power the khadas edge 2 and i was wondering if it were possible to use a single cable to both power the board and use the ipad as a monitor. I had seen that this is possible with other boards such as the raspberry pi. I would like to replicate what has been done in this video (1:30-3:30). I tried to follow the guide by changing a few things but i failed miserably.

Hello @Jokul

@jacobe will help you then.

Any updates on the situation?

Hello @Jokul
Now I have login in my Edge2 with VNC, but this way need a screen.

Edge2 connect a HDMI screen, then open settings->sharing, turn on the sharing(default on), and click [Remote Desktop], make sure your choise are likewise the picture.

Then using VNC Viewer, by the way, I used a Android Pad, so my app is RVNC Viewer, maybe a litter different between iPad.
Let the two devices in a local area net, and in the app, input your Edge2 ip, then just enter password. This picture is shot by RVNC Viewer :wink:

About the CLI way to login, I’m still trying… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Could you share more informations on how to connect the devices through vnc? i cannot find the download version for vnc

First of all, the device and Pad should connect to the same Wi-Fi.

Then use ifconfig to check ip address of device.

Open the VNC on your iPad, click on :heavy_plus_sign: button.

After inputing the ip address, you will see a window to enter your password.
That’s all my did.

i cannot find the download version for vnc

As the last time i said, I used a Android Pad, I just download from google play, the name of my app is RVNC Viewer.