"Hey Google" wake word support on Android 11

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 11

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Self built but unmodified. Play store enabled.

Please describe your issue below:

Hi Guys, I can confirm that Google Assistant works (and seems to have good far-field microphone performance) but ‘Hey Google’ is disabled (i.e. wake-word detection, rather than clicking the assistant microphone button).

The option is here:

Settings for Google apps → Search, Assistant & Voice → Google Assistant → Hey Google & Voice Match:

Hey Google : This feature is currently unavailable on this device

Can the wake word be enabled? Any reason it’s not enabled?


@mph070770 You can refer to this and give it a try.

Hi @goenjoy , my question is regarding enabling the wake word engine in android to detect “hey Google” (using vim4 microphones) but your link is about text to speech. I don’t think it’s relevant?

Hi @goenjoy. Any update on this please?