Gstreamer reset the aoi which is set by v4ctl (vim4+imx415 camera)

Image using owow 5.15
Imx415 camera

Hello @gita.kumari

Have you tried to setup such parameters with gstreamer?

Yes i did
But the capture is happening with default
And also resetting aoi to default
Please assist for the proper pipeline…

Crop is possible?

Hello @gita.kumari

Can you try this?

gst-launch-1.0 -e v4l2src device=/dev/media0  io-mode=mmap num-buffers=300 ! video/x-raw,format=NV21,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=30/1 ! videocrop top=200 left=500 right=200 bottom=0 ! waylandsink


Software crop is working fine…
I am trying to get crop applied on hardware using v4l2-ctl.

I have tried to set the crop before and after the g streamer pipeline (using v4l2-ctl).

If applied before the pipine(maintained the same crop setting) run it does not consider the crop instead it ia ceatting frame with deafault size…

If crop applied after the pipeline run crop is happening but video artifact is there (observed due to frame size mismatch .

Please guide me how i will get the perfect crop here…

Note :
I am more intrested in hardware based crop.

Also wanted to confirm can we get good quality image with opencv…

I have tried with opencv looks like crop is qorking fine but the image quality is concerned…

For all the the work i am considering video node /dev/video63.

Hello @gita.kumari

We will check on our side.

Please check and help me to get this solution.