GPIO mapping confusion on VIM3

Project Introduction

The project involves managing and controlling various hardware components using GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output) pins on a microcontroller or single-board computer. These components include relays, dry contacts, and other peripherals that require precise control through GPIO interfaces.

Understanding the Issue

  1. Mapping Confusion:
  • The issue seems to involve a mismatch or confusion between GPIO pin names and their corresponding pin numbers or mappings.
  1. Backend Crash:
  • The backend crashes when dealing with the Relay2 pins, which could be due to improper handling of GPIO mapping.

Actual Result

here are the pins that we are using:


here is the khadas documentation:


/* First GPIO chip */
#define GPIOAO_0 0
#define GPIOAO_1 1
#define GPIOAO_2 2
#define GPIOAO_3 3
#define GPIOAO_4 4
#define GPIOAO_5 5
#define GPIOAO_6 6
#define GPIOAO_7 7
#define GPIOAO_8 8
#define GPIOAO_9 9
#define GPIOAO_10 10
#define GPIOAO_11 11
#define GPIOE_0 12
#define GPIOE_1 13
#define GPIOE_2 14

/* Second GPIO chip /
#define GPIOZ_0 0
#define GPIOZ_1 1
#define GPIOZ_2 2
#define GPIOZ_3 3
#define GPIOZ_4 4
#define GPIOZ_5 5
#define GPIOZ_6 6
#define GPIOZ_7 7
#define GPIOZ_8 8
#define GPIOZ_9 9
#define GPIOZ_10 10
#define GPIOZ_11 11
#define GPIOZ_12 12
#define GPIOZ_13 13
#define GPIOZ_14 14
#define GPIOZ_15 15
#define GPIOH_0 16
#define GPIOH_1 17
#define GPIOH_2 18
#define GPIOH_3 19
#define GPIOH_4 20
#define GPIOH_5 21
#define GPIOH_6 22
#define GPIOH_7 23
#define GPIOH_8 24
#define BOOT_0 25
#define BOOT_1 26
#define BOOT_2 27
#define BOOT_3 28
#define BOOT_4 29
#define BOOT_5 30
#define BOOT_6 31
#define BOOT_7 32
#define BOOT_8 33
#define BOOT_9 34
#define BOOT_10 35
#define BOOT_11 36
#define BOOT_12 37
#define BOOT_13 38
#define BOOT_14 39
#define BOOT_15 40
#define GPIOC_0 41
#define GPIOC_1 42
#define GPIOC_2 43
#define GPIOC_3 44
#define GPIOC_4 45
#define GPIOC_5 46
#define GPIOC_6 47
#define GPIOC_7 48
#define GPIOA_0 49
#define GPIOA_1 50
#define GPIOA_2 51
#define GPIOA_3 52
#define GPIOA_4 53
#define GPIOA_5 54
#define GPIOA_6 55
#define GPIOA_7 56
#define GPIOA_8 57
#define GPIOA_9 58
#define GPIOA_10 59
#define GPIOA_11 60
#define GPIOA_12 61
#define GPIOA_13 62
#define GPIOA_14 63
#define GPIOA_15 64
#define GPIOX_0 65
#define GPIOX_1 66
#define GPIOX_2 67
#define GPIOX_3 68
#define GPIOX_4 69
#define GPIOX_5 70
#define GPIOX_6 71
#define GPIOX_7 72
#define GPIOX_8 73
#define GPIOX_9 74
#define GPIOX_10 75
#define GPIOX_11 76
#define GPIOX_12 77
#define GPIOX_13 78
#define GPIOX_14 79
#define GPIOX_15 80
#define GPIOX_16 81
#define GPIOX_17 82
#define GPIOX_18 83
#define GPIOX_19 84/
First GPIO chip */
#define GPIOAO_0 0
#define GPIOAO_1 1
#define GPIOAO_2 2
#define GPIOAO_3 3
#define GPIOAO_4 4
#define GPIOAO_5 5
#define GPIOAO_6 6
#define GPIOAO_7 7
#define GPIOAO_8 8
#define GPIOAO_9 9
#define GPIOAO_10 10
#define GPIOAO_11 11
#define GPIOE_0 12
#define GPIOE_1 13
#define GPIOE_2 14

/* Second GPIO chip */
#define GPIOZ_0 0
#define GPIOZ_1 1
#define GPIOZ_2 2
#define GPIOZ_3 3
#define GPIOZ_4 4
#define GPIOZ_5 5
#define GPIOZ_6 6
#define GPIOZ_7 7
#define GPIOZ_8 8
#define GPIOZ_9 9
#define GPIOZ_10 10
#define GPIOZ_11 11
#define GPIOZ_12 12
#define GPIOZ_13 13
#define GPIOZ_14 14
#define GPIOZ_15 15
#define GPIOH_0 16
#define GPIOH_1 17
#define GPIOH_2 18
#define GPIOH_3 19
#define GPIOH_4 20
#define GPIOH_5 21
#define GPIOH_6 22
#define GPIOH_7 23
#define GPIOH_8 24
#define BOOT_0 25
#define BOOT_1 26
#define BOOT_2 27
#define BOOT_3 28
#define BOOT_4 29
#define BOOT_5 30
#define BOOT_6 31
#define BOOT_7 32
#define BOOT_8 33
#define BOOT_9 34
#define BOOT_10 35
#define BOOT_11 36
#define BOOT_12 37
#define BOOT_13 38
#define BOOT_14 39
#define BOOT_15 40
#define GPIOC_0 41
#define GPIOC_1 42
#define GPIOC_2 43
#define GPIOC_3 44
#define GPIOC_4 45
#define GPIOC_5 46
#define GPIOC_6 47
#define GPIOC_7 48
#define GPIOA_0 49
#define GPIOA_1 50
#define GPIOA_2 51
#define GPIOA_3 52
#define GPIOA_4 53
#define GPIOA_5 54
#define GPIOA_6 55
#define GPIOA_7 56
#define GPIOA_8 57
#define GPIOA_9 58
#define GPIOA_10 59
#define GPIOA_11 60
#define GPIOA_12 61
#define GPIOA_13 62
#define GPIOA_14 63
#define GPIOA_15 64
#define GPIOX_0 65
#define GPIOX_1 66
#define GPIOX_2 67
#define GPIOX_3 68
#define GPIOX_4 69
#define GPIOX_5 70
#define GPIOX_6 71
#define GPIOX_7 72
#define GPIOX_8 73
#define GPIOX_9 74
#define GPIOX_10 75
#define GPIOX_11 76
#define GPIOX_12 77
#define GPIOX_13 78
#define GPIOX_14 79
#define GPIOX_15 80
#define GPIOX_16 81
#define GPIOX_17 82
#define GPIOX_18 83
#define GPIOX_19 84
By inspecting the schematics and the meson-g12-gpio.h documents, we conclude that the path path from gpio headers to pins :

GPIO 29 → I2SB_SCLK → GPIOA_1 → pin 50
GPIO 30 → I2S_MCLK0 → GPIOA_0 → pin 49
GPIO 31 → I2SB_SDO → GPIOA_3 → pin 52
GPIO 32 → I2SB_LRCK → GPIOA_2 → pin 51
GPIO 33 → I2SB_SDI → GPIOA_4 → pin 53

An they are all localted on the gpiochip1.

We conclude that the following is the right mapping:

const (
Chip1 = “gpiochip1”

// Pin names
const (
Relay1 = 50
Relay2 = 49
DryContact1 = 52
DryContact2 = 51
Backup = 53

// Define pin names and their associated chip
var pinMappings = map[string]struct {
Pin int
Chip string
“Relay1”: {
Pin: Relay1,
Chip: Chip1,
“Relay2”: {
Pin: Relay2,
Chip: Chip1,
“DryContact1”: {
Pin: DryContact1,
Chip: Chip1,
“DryContact2”: {
Pin: DryContact2,
Chip: Chip1,
“Backup”: {
Pin: Backup,
Chip: Chip1,

he problem isn’t in how we have wired the pins since it’s correctly working with the sysfs approach:

If you compare with the provided documentation, you’ll notice that it’s not the expected behaviour to see the relay get activated when changing the value of the DryContact2 pin:

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$gpioinfo gpiochip<n>
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Thanks to the sysfs method that is clearly documented and that we already tried, we managed to determine which are the rights pins (lines) for our feature.

We started by exporting the pins that we want to use :

Relay 1 :29 (461)
Relay 2 : 30 (460)
Dry Contact 1 :31 (463)
Dry Contact 2 :32 (462)
Backup : 33 (464)


Then we used gpiod lib (thank you for the tip) that we installed to have info on gpiochips and see what pins are used.

root@dual-test-new2:~# gpiodetect
gpiochip0 [aobus-banks] (16 lines)
gpiochip1 [periphs-banks] (86 lines)
gpiochip2 [4-0020] (8 lines)
root@dual-test-new2:~# gpioinfo gpiochip1
gpiochip1 - 86 lines:


We saw that the lines that we need are 50,51,52,53,54.
To determine which line correspond to which gpio, we switch the state of the pins from input to output one by one, and here is the final result:

line 50 → 460
line 51 → 461
line 52 → 462
line 53 → 463
line 54 → 464

Thanks a lot.
However it proves a point, there is a confusion in Khadas documentation regarding pins.