Getting root rights for edge1

How to get root rights for android for khadas edge 1 on RK3399?

It might be much simpler, but I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

I tried rooting the boot.img image via Magisk and installing it using utilities and RkDevTool. Simple methods of obtaining root rights using applications such as KingoRoot, of course, do not work.

I checked for root rights using RootChecker.

What do I need to do to root? I have the original firmware files.

Hi @technicalMi ,
Can you provide the firmware version? Is it our official version or you build it yourself.

I took the working firmware from here: - Index of /products/edge1/firmware/android/.

Tried everything.

I also followed these instructions to build the firmware myself:
Edge1 Android [Khadas Docs].

Hi @technicalMi

You may refer to the patch here. I hope it can help you.

Thanks for sharing the patch! But a problem arose. I modified the file “device/rockchip/common/”: added “BOARD_ALLOW_ROOTSERVICE ?=true” according to the instructions. However during the image build process an error occurs:

[65% 349/529] including system/extras/ ...FAILED: 
build/make/core/ error: system/extras/su: already defined by device/rockchip/common/rootservice.16:01:19 ckati failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (16:36 (mm:ss)) ####
BOARD_AVB_ENABLE=falsesystem filesysystem is ext4
kernel image not fount

In “device/rockchip/common/rootservice/” it is written:

ifeq ($(strip $(BOARD_ALLOW_ROOTSERVICE)), true)
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Werror

In “build/make/core/” it is written in line No. 325:
$(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(module_id) already defined by $($(module_id)))

What could be the problem?