Fix screen resolution / size for a car screen - Edge 2

@Hesham1216 Your previous information misled me. What I want is the information when the khadas board connects to your screen. The executed command is executed on the khadas board. Please provide information for the following three commands again:

kedge2:/ $ wm size
Physical size: 1920x1080
kedge2:/ $
kedge2:/ $ cat /sys/class/mcu/dpmode
kedge2:/ $
kedge2:/ $ dmesg

Was the screen connected when you executed the command?

Sorry if I misled you :frowning:

Yes the screen is connected

Strangely today touch was not working…

I made a video so you can check

And thank you for your time

Video 1

Video 2

@Hesham1216 Unable to access your video website. It’s best to provide information in written form. Especially the dmesg command needs to be provided in the form of a file.


Ok no problem
Can you please give me a command line to save the dmesg to a file or steps I should do?

I appreciate your efforts :pray:


kedge2:/ $ dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg.log


I uploaded to mega

dmesg log

Brother, should I create the dmesg log after trying the command
cat … dpmode?

If this is th case, I will try again and upload the log :man_facepalming:


After some commands brother


@Hesham1216 I have been unable to open the Mega website on my end, please upload it to another cloud drive. Also, please post the previous two commands.


@Hesham1216 Please follow the steps below to add a line of code to the build.prop file: persist.vendor.framebuffer.main=1920x720@60

C:\Users\25348>adb root && adb remount
remount succeeded

C:\Users\25348>adb pull /vendor/build.prop .
/vendor/build.prop: 1 file pulled. 1.7 MB/s (5534 bytes in 0.003s)

C:\Users\25348>adb push C:\Users\25348\build.prop /vendor/build.prop
C:\Users\25348\build.prop: 1 file pushed. 0.1 MB/s (5534 bytes in 0.105s)

C:\Users\25348>adb shell sync

C:\Users\25348>adb reboot
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I will try and let you know brother when I go to car

I am really grateful for your support :pray:


Hello brother

I executed the commands successfully

The resolution changed on the pc screen (got stretched a bit)

On car screen it got worse

And doesn’t rotate the main screen

Still more stretched :frowning:



I did it i did ittttt

I changed the resolution to 720x1920 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You gave me the path and I followed it I am really grateful :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

It looks amaaaziinnngggg on the carrrr brotherrrr

It even saves the settings if khadas turned off :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thank you thank you :pray::pray::pray:

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@Hesham1216 Brother, you are really a genius!

I didn’t expect this screen to have a vertical resolution. So modify it this way:

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Maybe we are two geniuses thinking together and this is the result :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you brother for your support and continuous response :pray:

I will modify the build.prop to make it consistent

Thank you and have a great weekend :bouquet::tada:

So much bromance going on here :facepunch:


No you got it wrong brother :joy:

Just respect and appreciation :grin:

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Bro by the way if you have any idea about this please reply to this post:

I appreciate any suggestions or recommendations

No clue big son… maybe @erayrafet knows