Fenix image in EMMC for Edge V?

Thank you @vrabac , my mistake was trying to burn without using the “EMMC” image

So finally, the flow that works is -

  1. Burn through USB C an undesired older Ubuntu “EMMC” image - http://dl.khadas.com/firmware/Edge/Ubuntu/EMMC/Edge_Ubuntu-server-bionic_Linux-4.4_arm64_EMMC_V1.0.10-220108.img.xz
  2. Burn to SD the desired “SD/USB” image - http://dl.khadas.com/firmware/Edge/Ubuntu/SD_USB/edge-ubuntu-20.04-server-linux-5.18-fenix-1.1.1-220725.img.xz
  3. Run the sudo emmc install command from SD
  4. Reboot and OS is running

@numbqq any ideas about the root cause? Also, can we please ask to upload an “EMMC” image of Ubuntu 20.04 Server 5.18 fenix 1.1.1 ?- Having to do “two burns” is not very scalable