Enable M2X Ethernet as default in custom Android image?

I have built the standard version of the android image (from the documentation) and I wonder if there is a way to enable the M2X ethernet as default in the image itself
Would also be nice if I could enable the LTE roaming as default as well.

And while I have your attention :wink: I tried to compress the built image and make a krescue version but it did not work, if anyone has tips/walkthrough on how to do that, I would be grateful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

use this script to packaging it for krescue:

Will try that :slight_smile: thanks!

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@jasonl do you know anything regarding my main issue? or do you know who might have an idea?

@binbash if you want enable m2x ethernet ,just look up bootloader/uboot/common/cmd_kbi.c file

@jasonl Where do I run the function to enable it? :sweat_smile:

you can call it in the boot process of uboot,and you need to write code to implement it