EdgeV (Android) with MX2 extension : max SSD size?

I have recently bought an EdgeV Max and I find it impressive (both from a specs and from a build quality perspective).
My Samsung 980 EVO 1 Tb is correctly identified by Android but it complains it is not set up and when I try to run Setup on the SSD, it crashes in a reproducible way. Is this a too large SSD for Android? I cannot find any mention of such a limitation …
Thanks in advance for any hint …

BTW: would it be possible to create cateogries EdgeV? I don’t see any …

@kialabi Can support up to 1Tb. You need to format it on a Windows computer first (Ntfs).
Then you can see the corresponding disk on the Files application.

Thank you. I will give it a try ASAP. I fully see the benefits of using NTFS but it is quite unusual in the Android world. Do you confirm it is NTFS (in absence of answer, I will try anyway :wink: )

Thank you for the hints and support. It is now OK (formatting in NTFS on a Windows machine).

Point may be closed.