Edge2 stuck in download mode

Hi, everyone

I got a Khadas Edge2. First I used oowow and downloaded and booted in Bookworm. Then I’ve tried in the same way Android. Then I wanted to get back to Bookworm, but now seems to be stuck in oowow in Downloading mode. Doesn’t go beyond oowow wizard downloads page.

Any advise, please?

@deeman maybe you might have corrupted your spi flash, in such case of you have access to a Linux computer you can restorw oowow with this command:

curl dl.khadas.com/online/rockchip-burn | sh -s - oowow --write --spi

You can try avoiding corrupting spi flash by executing safe shutdown sequence after image install in the future to prevent further issues

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The issue is that Khadas keeps changing those OS downloading links, deleting them etc and the oowow system gets stuck. For a device that expensive, these issue shouldn’t exist :-1: