Edge2 Power on issue

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

OOWOW, this works fine on 5v dump PSU, but fails to initialize sdcard over IO board, Trying to power on using PD2 or 100W dump PSU seems to help but the power up it temperamental, meaning sometime it powers up and sometimes it doesn’t

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Testing Self built images. Manjaro ARM

Flipping the connector helps sometimes only.

Hello @Spikerguy

Im not quite sure what you mean, you mean the SD card doesn’t work due to the power?


  1. Device does not power up, needs multiple attempt to remove and insert usb-c Or change side.
  2. When it powers up fine over sdcard and linux is booted and i try to connect usb to test it then sdcard io errors are generated, idk if it’s due to fpc connector moving or usb-c connection movement or usb taking too much power?

When i tested oowow on spi there was no such issue but even oowow failed to let me boot from sdcard as it couldn’t initialize sdcard mmc1.

I had to remove oowow from spi to understand why sdcard is not initiating.

Hello @Spikerguy

Have you checked other cables? Which USB-C port you used to supply the power?

I use the same cable to charge my laptop at 90W so I am confident that the PSU and the cable can provide enough power for Edge2.

I tried the one which is in most VIm’s as default, but I did try on the second usb-c port too.

Hello @Spikerguy

We can send a new sample to you.

I don’t any real issue other than those one.

Let me debug it further then will see if there is something wrong in my psu or edge2.

I have 2 units so i with test them both and let you know…


Hello @Spikerguy

Okay, waiting for your update.

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Sorry didn’t get time yet.
I am on vacation so will test it during the weekend.

Spiker G solutions to all your problems.
TA845 Samsung 45W Amazon sells it. Give it a try.

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I have this already. Will give it a try.

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