Edge2 EMMC storage issues and packaging??

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?


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Please describe your issue below:

du -sh rootfs.img
3.6G	rootfs.img.

Roots.img is only 3.5G
Can my Edge2 file system use up all the remaining storage on the EMMC disk?

Why not? After the image flash to eMMC in the first bootup, it will resize the rootfs to the whole eMMC size.

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amazing!I love Ubuntu.
Did you add a script???
Mainly this command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$BUILD_IMAGES/rootfs.img bs=1M count=0 seek=$rootfs_image_size
instead of:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$BUILD_IMAGES/rootfs.img bs=1M count=$rootfs_image_size
What’s the difference between them???

“ it will resize the rootfs to the whole eMMC size.”
Is this a script brought by Ubuntu itself or an added script??


Please check here: fenix/archives/filesystem/common/etc/init.d/resize2fs at master · khadas/fenix · GitHub

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good !
I will take a look at it. :grinning: