Is it possible to set default screensaver settings and the default dreams component in Android 14 ‘user’ firmware?
Seems it only works in ‘userdebug’ firmware.
Shows blank in default screensaver in Android Settings in ‘user’ firmware.
I can’t find selinux changes, maybe completely missing but it’s part of stock Android framework?
<!-- If supported, are dreams enabled? (by default) -->
<bool name="config_dreamsEnabledByDefault">true</bool>
<!-- If supported and enabled, are dreams activated when docked? (by default) -->
<bool name="config_dreamsActivatedOnDockByDefault">true</bool>
<!-- If supported and enabled, are dreams activated when asleep and charging? (by default) -->
<bool name="config_dreamsActivatedOnSleepByDefault">true</bool>
<!-- ComponentName of the default dream (Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_SCREENSAVER_COMPONENT) -->
<string name="config_dreamsDefaultComponent" translatable="false">com.android.dreams.basic/com.android.dreams.basic.Colors</string>
<!-- Are we allowed to dream while not plugged in? -->
<bool name="config_dreamsEnabledOnBattery">true</bool>
<!-- Minimum battery level to allow dreaming when powered.
Use -1 to disable this safety feature. -->
<integer name="config_dreamsBatteryLevelMinimumWhenPowered">-1</integer>
<!-- Minimum battery level to allow dreaming when not powered.
Use -1 to disable this safety feature. -->
<integer name="config_dreamsBatteryLevelMinimumWhenNotPowered">15</integer>
<!-- If the battery level drops by this percentage and the user activity timeout
has expired, then assume the device is receiving insufficient current to charge
effectively and terminate the dream. Use -1 to disable this safety feature. -->
<integer name="config_dreamsBatteryLevelDrainCutoff">5</integer>