Source code download :
Upgrade guidance:
Known issues:
Khadas setting USB camera rotation angle has no effect
Change logs:
Version(Latest): edge2-android-14-v241101
Update List:
Fix some videos are played under HDMI without display
Support 8K HDMI display
Fix dual screen display, system rotation, and abnormal secondary screen display
Resolve the issue of DP display not being able to display in full screen mode
Optimize the photography effect of OS08A10
Fix the issue where the motherboard MIC cannot record audio
Resolve the problem where the Edge2_IO_V12 expansion board’s headphones and speakers are silent
Repair the automatic adjustment function of FAN
After repairing the taskbar, the home key has no effect
Repairing the first sleep wake-up works normally, but the second sleep cannot complete the sleep
Support device tree overlay
Support custom startup logo
pin: support PinMultiple
Camera:Support custom camera properties
Version(Beta): edge2-android-14-v240725-beta (Preview Rom)
[Download Google store code ]
Modify the file ‘PROJECT/device/khadas/common/’
<1> Change the property ‘BUILD_WITH_GAPPS_CONFIG’ from false to true
#Gapps Build Config
Download the google repertory into the path ‘PROJECT/vendor/rockchip/’
<1> cd PROJECT/vendor/rockchip/
<2> download [Edge2_Android_14_GMS - Google Drive ]
Build yourself ROM again
1 Like
Hi, nice to see that the update to Android14 is already in the makings.
Is it possible to already get access to the sources?
Hello, thank you for using the Beta version, the code release of Android 14.0 We will issue it in the formal version.
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November 11, 2024, 1:45am
can you include AFR (auto frame rate) in your future android 14 version please?
Will Android 14 build for Edge 2 ship with kernel 6.1?
Yes, the Edge2 kernel of Android 14 is 6.1
1 Like
Is there any release date / ETA for the sources on github available? What are the plans?
We are preparing to release the complete code and firmware in October
I have been testing the October 11th build although I cannot seem to be able to change the default AOSP System WebView to the one on the Play Store.
Please refer to the following content for webview modifications
<!-- The default WebView implementation -->
description="Android WebView"
description="Chrome WebView X"
Doesn’t that require recompiling the ROM? I’m not in a position to do that. Perhaps you can include the Android System WebView variants by default - stable, beta and dev.
The AOSP Webview is outdated as it is and not upgradable meaning there will be security and other compatibility issues in the future.
This month, we will open source the code for Android 14
I made a Magisk module by extracting GoogleWebViewOverlay.apk file from my phone running PixelOS 14. IT WORKS!
Even if you release the source code, not everyone can rebuild Android. Perhaps you could include this apk by default. I doubt anyone will object.
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And some way to hide the navbar would be cool. My Edge is hooked up to a TV.
Edit: It is available in the Khadas settings page under status bar.
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@xiong.zhang I see you’re working on releasing 14 and there’s already a full Android 14 image available via Oowow without the beta tag. Will there be an OTA from the last beta to the official build?
Perhaps also Android TV builds in the future.
Hi there
Can we have this update on OTA
I am using android 13 and don’t want to reset everything again
Cross Android versions cannot be upgraded using OTA, only upgrades within the same Android version can be upgraded using OTA
December 1, 2024, 5:27am
Please release box sdk as the Android 14 tablet sdk is useless for serious video playback.
Lots of audio passthrough problems.
Hello, our Android 14 only has a tablet SDK and no other SDKs available. Sorry