Edge V - Linux installation not working

Can this also be used to pack Android Pie image (update.img)?

edge android and fenix verndor kernel for emmc images willbe supported soon


It seems at the moment I cannot burn any image to my Edge-V using anything other than Krescue :thinking:

I might have broken something by previously adding TWRP to Android Pie, because afterwards I wasn’t able to burn other images - succeeded to burn Ubuntu (built with Fenix) via Krescue.

When I use Linux or Windows tools, they all report me Test device failed error :neutral_face:

@hyphop How did you build/pack Edge_Android_Pie_V191227.img.xz? I was able to burn it to EMMC via Krescue, so I would like to pack my own update.img like that too.

How did you build/pack Edge_Android_Pie_V191227.img.xz? I was able to burn it to EMMC via Krescue, so I would like to pack my own update.img like that too.

i was write special script for convert android burn image to raw (this script have some limits - not works for all images )

BTW: edge android and fenix verndor kernel for emmc images - already supported by last krescue

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