Edge 2 poor WiFi connection for broadband

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas Official image Ubuntu 24.04 Nov image

Please describe your issue below:

I have this very weird problem that I cant seems to figure out. Basically the edge 2 is not able maintain a stable connection with broadband network, but it is able to connect to mobile hotspot 2.4/5 Ghz without any issue. So the signal strength is high on mobile hotspot but low on broadband network.

I have also tested on the Android image, it connected to the broadband network on 2.4Ghz instead of 5Ghz. However if is mobile hotspot, it can connect to both without issue

Post a console log of your issue below:

**Delete this line and post your log here.**

@WongTX can you try running the wavemon command

$ sudo apt install wavemon
$ sudo wavemon

Observe the signal strength characteristics, and the WiFi Channel activity between your broadband network and mobile hotspot, your router channel configuration could be leading to poor network bandwidth due to network congestion of other networks.

@Electr1 Hi Electr1, thank you for the reply, but I dont think it has something to do with my broadband network. I further tested the development test image, I think it was 6.12 fenix something, in that image, I was able to connect to the 5GHz broadband network without issue. But it doesnt have the rockchip gstreamer plugins, so I had to revert to the non-test image

Could you provide the kernel log? @Jacobe please follow up to check.