Edge 2 HDMI output is purple/magenta tinted

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas official images

Please describe your issue below:

when attaching the HDMI output to a dual 1080x1200 board i got, the screen is a purple/magenta tint. the attached images show the issue. the issue is not present when connecting my main PC, phone via Samsung DEX, or Nintendo Switch to the screen, which leads me to believe that this is an issue with the Edge 2. the computer correctly sees the resolution and refresh rate

Hello @roket_gamer

Which image you used? Please provide the below information to us:

$ cat /etc/fenix-release
$ name -a
$ cat /etc/lsb-release 

Do you have the same issue with normal 1080P or 2K 4K screen?

i have tried it also on a 1080p ultrawide, 1440p ultrawide, and 1080p 16:9, none of which have the same tint issue. here is the info i was able to get from those commands:

IMAGE VERSION=1.7.2-241022

it complained about the “name” command, saying it did not recognize it

just found out that putting things in light mode makes them green-cyan ish

Do you mean only 1080x1200 resolution has such issue?

i have issues with 1080x1200, 2160x1200, and 1080x2400

i just got a 2160x2160 display and tried to connect it. both HDMI and USB-C DisplayPort did not show an image at all, but only with the Edge 2. i wonder if there is something wrong with my unit?

Are you booting from sd or emmc?
I don’t have the Edge2 so this is all conjecture based upon past experience with other boards. Sometimes sd card boot is flaky and you will need to try a different card. Boot from emmc and make sure your power supply and cable are able to handle the current.

i am not booting from an SD card. the power cable is also fully capable of handling everything the computer needs and then some

We don’t have such resolution screen on hand now, so we can’t check, but for normal 1080p, 2k and 4k screens works, right?

yes, i’ve tried more conventional 1080p ultrawide, 1440p ultrawide, and 1080p 16:9 and it works no issue. i dont have any conventional size 4k screens

Hello @roket_gamer

We will try to find some screens to check this issue.

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here are the ones i got, if it helps
2160X2160 display
Dual 1080X1200 display

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hello. i hate to be “that guy”, but has there been any progress towards this issue? the project i am using the Edge 2 for has a goal of January 10th, 2025, January 14th, 2025 at the absolute latest, and i would like to know if i need to use a different computer for the time being, or if it will be ready before that date. it’s no issue if it will not be ready before then, but i just want to know so i can plan accordingly

Hello @roket_gamer

We just buy a 1080x1200 resoution screen, we will check once we got it.

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Hello @roket_gamer

We have reproduced this issue on 1080x1200 screen, we are checking this issue now.

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@numbqq what about the issue with the 2160x2160 screen not displaying an image at all?

I’m not sure, because I don’t have sucn screen at this menent, we will focus on fix the pink screen issue first.

Hello @roket_gamer

We have fixed the 1080x1200 pink screen issue, and for other screens has same issue should also be fixed. Please check on your side.

You need to based on latest release image edge2-ubuntu-24.04-gnome-linux-6.1-fenix-1.7.3-241129.img.xz and then follow the steps below to upgrade the kernel:

wget https://dl.khadas.com/.test/linux-image-rockchip-6.1_1.7.3_arm64.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-rockchip-6.1_1.7.3_arm64.deb
sudo reboot

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can confirm, this did fix the issue! awesome! the 2160x2160 screens are still getting no image from the Edge 2, though. but this is still an awesome step forward!