Hi Stefan, I have been able to run libreelec thanks to @kszaq in a vim2 and everything seems to work ok.
However regarding the TV expansion board in libreelec, although I’m seeing it ok in TV adapters tab, I think they are not working, as all the muxes are failing using the sat adapter and I can’t open any channel.
If I use an external sat->Iptv tuner (for example a digibit r1) my vim2 works ok with tvheadend and I can see any channel withoug problems.
Libreelec and VIM2 is clear.
About the vTV HAT, there is no working open source linux drivers at the moment and they can’t be compiled as well if you are not a C+ guru having the vendor source This HAT and all boards on this chipset can be used only with Android. I make an “investigation” and the problem is much more complicated than just to compile some drivers from available source even it is sent by the vendor itself. Don’t push kszaq to help, because he can’t! Even with compiled drivers this board not work (tested) in linux, because they don’t work. The source spinning around is not the correct one! linux drivers are proprietary peace of software used in commercial linux based STBs. No drivers, no TV. I hope that soon, the chipset vendor will open their drivers, otherwise somebody have to write drivers and not to compile them.
@Frank.DTV Can you please share device tree for the DTV Android build so that we can make sure the device tree we provide for LibreELEC is correct? Thank you.
Hi all, the developers in libreelec forum need a dtv board and a vim2 in order to go ahead and see what is happening with this dtv board.
Investigations are now stuck until this happen.
Much appreciated that info. @afl1 from libreelec who is now working in the last 9.x libreelec version is the engineer that is stuck now and can’t progress any further without a physical hw.
Hi Frank.
I was asked on LE forum to fix DTV board issue in LibreELEC. I wrote dvb driver for similar board in Mecool K-series boxes based on AVL6862. In Vim2 the dvb driver is succesfuly intialized in DTV board. Tuner is able to lock to frequency but there are no data from demodulator. Basic difference between K-series and DTV is in type of data transfer (parallel vs. serial). Driver for demodulator is hardcoded for parallel transfer and it need some adjustment to enable serial data transfer. It’ll be welcome to have test sample. If you can provide me one, contact me on afl_2001@yahoo.com for post address.
So, a little more digging on my part reveals that though there is no specific option to select SPIDF on the board, it is enabled along with the SPIDF output on the HDMI port. It is possible that it is enabled on all audio settings by default. On Libreelec AC3 works using pass through and disabling support for AC3 receivers (ie transcoded).
Also I have managed to get a remote control config file for Libreelec partly completed and can share it if anyone needs a copy once I have added a little more polish. Once the basic configuration is set it can be fine tuned with Libreelec’s Keypad editor plugging.
Have built a remote file for VIM2 on Libreelec. Forum won’t allow me to upload it so if anyone wants a copy get in touch. Not everything works (but most things do) but fairly much all the keys are mapped to Linux scancode’s which means that they can be remapped to whatever you want using KEYMAP editor plugging.
Loaded my Libreelec into Internal memory using SSH and script “installtointernal”. Didn’t boot first time, but the script tells you to re-run the script and it worked second time round.
Finally this week arrived VIM2 + VTV.
I started work to adopt AVL6862 driver to support VTV board.
Current driver support Mecool K-series devices. The main differences between Mecool and Khadas is how is AVL6862 demodulator connected to S912 hw demuxer. Mecool use parallel connection (8 bits) vs. Khadas serial.
Current open source AVL6862 driver by Luis Alves supports only parallel transfer.
Task to do:
Modify device tree blob to serial connection and support lock led;
Add serial support to AVL6862 driver;
Update amlogic modules aml_dvb and aml_dmx to accept serial data from demodulator
Work is in progress. The first two step are almost done.
Currently I am very busy and I have no spare time to concentrate on 3. point