Connecting Sonoff 3.0 USB dongle?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?


Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas official images

Please describe your issue below:

Hi all, i’ve tried to connect a sonoff ZBDongle-E to my HA but keep running in to issues. I’ve flashed the device and when going in to ZHA to add the device it stops short at the serial port settings and states ‘failed to connect’. I’ve checked with the manufacturer and they have stated it might be a comms issue and to ensure the VIM1S has fully open port access rights.
So question is how to ensure the ports have open access rights? Thanks

Post a console log of your issue below:

**Delete this line and post your log here.**

Hi @newuser

Apologies for the late response here. Are you still running into this issue?