Compile static acuity-ovxlib

for one project, I would like compile static acuity-ovxlib. Do you know how to download the source ?

Kinds regard

@ronron You can get it in there .

Yes, I did have but I don’t see where they are .

There are compiled files (dynamic) in linux_sdk/linux_sdk_6.4.3/acuity-ovxlib-dev/lib/ and header in linux_sdk/linux_sdk_6.4.3/acuity-ovxlib-dev/include/
acuity-toolkit: It is a kit tools
toolchains: tool chains for cross compilation.

But there are not source acuity-ovxlib-dev Oo

@ronron We don’t release this tool , this tool requires license to run, you cannot apply for this license

OK, I will try otherwise